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FAHR urges Federal Entities to support parents at the beginning of the school year

Thursday August 27, 2020

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) has issued a circular to all ministries and federal entities, inviting them to take advantage of the flexibility contained in Cabinet Resolution No.(2/8m) of 2018 regarding the return to schools policy, which was launched by the federal government in 2018.

The Authority indicated that the return to schools policy was divided into 3 types. First, federal government employees who have children in the primary stage and higher are given the flexibility to attend and leave on the first school day, regardless of the educational path adopted for their children, whether it is regular or distance education, in order to prepare and provide psychological and moral support for their children, provided that the period of flexibility does not exceed three hours, taking into account the consideration the difference in the commencement of the first school day must be considered according to the curriculum specified for the school by the competent authorities, and flexibility is granted in attendance and departure in accordance with the regulations in force in the entity and with the approval of the line manager.

The authority also indicated in its circular that the third focus of the return to school policy focuses around flexible working hours on other occasions and circumstances related to the school year, requesting the ministries and federal authorities to issue the necessary internal regulations to enable their employees to support their children, in a manner that does not prejudice the workflow of the entity and does not conflict with the human resources law in the federal government, where the employee may be granted permission for a period not exceeding three hours to attend parenting meetings related to their children's schools, in order to activate the Parents Council Regulations. Moreover, the employee may be granted permission for a period not exceeding three hours to attend graduation ceremonies, events and activities related to their children. The "return to school" policy was launched with the aim of making it more convenient for fathers and mothers working in the federal government, enabling them to accompany their children to schools and nurseries, or to follow the progress of their children's learning at the beginning of the new academic year.

The annually applied policy reflects the keenness of the United Arab Emirates government to enhance social relations and consolidate them, in line with the directions of the wise leadership, & strengthen family cohesiveness, by taking into consideration the social drivers of the employees, including parents, achieving family and social stability, raising levels of job satisfaction and happiness, and enhancing the role of the family as the vital core of society.

The policy also takes into account the need of nursery and kindergarten children to be escorted by their families, which enhances their ability to adapt to the school environment; it strongly offers flexibility for a week for parents of this category, achieving a comfortable start to the school year.


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